About Benson Odiwuor Otieno (Saguom)

Benson Saguom

Brief About Benson Odiwuor Otieno

Benson's deep-seated passion for justice and fairness drew him to pursue a law degree. He saw law as a tool to uphold rights, fight against injustices, and engineer desired changes in society.

From the moment he was admitted to university, he was a well-rounded student who excelled in extracurricular activities, academics, and the leadership roles he held on campus. He founded the Seventh Day Adventist Students, a group of Adventist students in the school during his first semester of university, and served as its first chair. In his second year, he ran for and won the position of student President of the Law  School. 

Odiwuor is a self-driven changemaker. He oversaw the creation of the Christian Legal Society (CLS) while serving as president of the LAANU, which continues to give African Nazarene University law students a place to integrate their Christian faith into their legal education and make law a healing profession. He became the founding president of the CLS. Furthermore, he also started the ANU Integrity Club in his third year of university. The club strives to engage students in ethics and integrity learning, enabling them to seek integrity and ethics as the cornerstones of their lives. Also, he co-founded the Homa Bay College and University Students Association in his hometown, which connects the constituency's youth to tertiary education. Around the same period, he became a founding member of the Federation of African Law Students (FALAS).

Benson had the honour of being appointed to numerous positions at the institution, including the Student Electronic Voting Technology Committee, and devised an electronic voting system that was implemented for conducting student elections. In his final year, he assisted in the founding of the ANULS Legal Aid Clinic and was named chair of the Legal Aid Clinic's Human Rights Department. He also organized a national religious liberty moot court competition, which was hosted virtually by the Christian Legal Society of Africa Nazarene University, and he left a system in place to ensure the club's annual All-Africa Religious Liberty Moot Court Competition continues in the future. 

He graduated with an LL.B degree from Africa Nazarene University in July 2022 and joined the Kenya School of Law in February 2023 for his Bar Course. He is currently an Associate in the Dispute Resolution Team at TripleOKLaw LLP Advocates. He is known for his creativity, boldness, honesty and dependability in all he does.



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