As the changemaker he is, Benson took a significant stand during the contentious deliberations on Kenya's Finance Act 2023 in the National Assembly. He had the privilege of presenting a memorandum to the Finance and National Planning Committee, influencing some clauses in the resulting Act with his recommendations. In instances where Parliament rejected his suggestions, Benson filed a petition in court.
Teaming up with Senator Okiya Omtatah, Eliud Karanja Matindi, Blair Angima Oigoro, Florence Kanyua Llichoro, Michael Kojo Otieno, and Victor Okuna, Benson proactively filed a petition in the High Court of Kenya to challenge the constitutionality of Kenya’s Finance Act 2023. Representing himself in court, he argued the case from the High Court up to the Supreme Court of Kenya.
The suspension of a Finance Act was unprecedented in Kenya, and this case played a pivotal role in shaping several legal principles and contributing to the development of jurisprudence.

Additional Achievements
1. Outstanding Legal Researcher, Pupils category, Issued by TripleOKLaw Advocates LLP
2. Certified Professional Mediator issued by Mediation Training Institute.
3. Effective Negotiations, issued by The United Kingdom Ministry of Justice.
4. . Leadership issued by Africa Nazarene University.
1. Benson Otieno & Kinyua Wanjohi: Taxation and Social Economic Rights in Middle-Income Economies” presented at the Kenya School of Law 5th Annual Conference, 2024.2. Benson Otieno, The Impact of Virtual Court Sessions on Young Lawyers. Published by the Kenya School of Law in its Justice Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 2
3. Benson Otieno, Challenges for Lawyers in promoting Social Justice for Sustainable Economic
Growth. Published by the Kenya School of Law in its Justice Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 1-Page
4. Benson Otieno, Is Africa Safe In The Hands of Its 21st Century Children? Published in the Aspire Magazine,2022 edition, Page 60.
4. Benson Otieno, Is Africa Safe In The Hands of Its 21st Century Children? Published in the Aspire Magazine,2022 edition, Page 60.
1. Certified Professional Mediator issued by Karl Mediation and Arbitration Centre.
2. Fundamentals of Effective Negotiations issued by The UK Ministry of Justice.
3. Business Communication for Lawyers: Legal Writing issued by The UK Ministry of Justice.
4. Leadership issued by Africa Nazarene University.
2. Fundamentals of Effective Negotiations issued by The UK Ministry of Justice.
3. Business Communication for Lawyers: Legal Writing issued by The UK Ministry of Justice.
4. Leadership issued by Africa Nazarene University.